Drain & Clean Pool - We will drain, clean & acid wash the pool to get rid of pesky stains.
Stain Removal - Includes removal of stains and identifing the source to prevent it from reoccuring.
New Plaster Start-Up - New & replastered pools can be expensive! Our professionals will start your pool and add the proper chemicals needed. Maintaining proper water chemistry is critical during this process.
Brushing - We also offer a brushing service for newly plastered pools. Daily visits for 2 weeks will consist of brushing the pool & balancing the chemicals to ensure a smooth finish.
Power Washing - Dirty Pool Deck? Hire us to come out and power wash it along with the rest of the pool area.
Vacation Service - Leaving your pool unattended for too long could cause a number of issues, while you are away, we will maintain your pool so there is no down time when you return.
Off Season Maintenance - My Blue Heaven Pool Service will come out up to 4 times during the winter to clean & inspect the cover and to check the water level of the pool.